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Style Inspiration : Eve Kendall in NXNW

Neither Cary Grant nor Eva Marie Saint were afforded many wardrobe changes in Hitchcock's thriller "North by Northwest". Nonetheless, Eve Kendall's wardrobe is flawless - perfectly suited for each scene as she progresses from sly vixen to hopeless romantic, her outfit evolving from cold and tailored, to warm and feminine.

You'll notice that she begins the film in structured black, progressing to warm colors such as red and orange, but eventually ending up in sheer white, signifying her transition from repressed madam of Van Damme to the love she discovers with Roger Thornhill. 

Here are some of her best looks. 

Roger: Now where were we?
Eve: Here. [They kiss.]
Roger: Yes. Nice of you to have opened the bed.
Eve: Yes.
Roger: Only one bed.
Eve: Yes.
Roger: That's a good omen, don't you think?
Eve: Wonderful.
Roger: You know what that means?
Eve: Hmmm.
Roger: What? Tell me.
Eve: It means you're going to sleep on the floor.
Here's to sleepy Sundays and classic movies. 
xx - Morgan 

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